The Thoughtful Entrepreneur: Solving the Procurement Bottleneck Issue

The Thoughtful Entrepreneur: Solving the Procurement Bottleneck Issue

October 15, 2024

Josh Elledge, host of The Thoughtful Entrepreneur, talks with the founder and CEO of Certa Jag Lamba about the procurement bottleneck: what it is, why it occurs, and how companies can take steps to eliminate it.

The Thoughtful Entrepreneur: Solving the Procurement Bottleneck Issue
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The Thoughtful Entrepreneur: Solving the Procurement Bottleneck Issue

The Thoughtful Entrepreneur: Solving the Procurement Bottleneck Issue

March 27, 2022
March 27, 2022

Josh Elledge, host of The Thoughtful Entrepreneur, talks with the founder and CEO of Certa Jag Lamba about the procurement bottleneck: what it is, why it occurs, and how companies can take steps to eliminate it.

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